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Resolution Anonymous Comments

RETURN TO RESULUTION HOME PAGE Anonymous Comments on Nick Bezzina Resolution.

How would we implement this? We cannot expect people just to sign up for an hour and be done.

The first, most important issue that must be resolved in the Council 6020 officers, and the 6020 members who are the recognized leaders of this Council must be willing to truly make this a priority for the Council. Something that will be talked about, and planned, and not neglected.

It will need to be the number one priority of the Council 6020 Spiritual Director.

Over the past 6 years, Council 6020 made some progress vie efforts to gradually grow Council 6020 members in spirituality. See the various documents and video available via Steve Lovison’s Comment page (CLICK HERE) but especially the page

The two documents below from the page above are good places to start

If the resolution passes, we need to review these plans but more importantly we need to emphasize Knights fitting into their lives a weekly holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration (Preferably scheduled) at either St Vincent de Paul or St Bonaventure. Once that happens our entire Council will want to champion Eucharistic Adoration.