Dear Worthy 6020 Brothers and Officers,
I hope this message finds you well. Our first month into this new year has already been successful. If only we could see all the graces Our Lord has stored up for our Council in 2023.
With that being said, I would like to bring an order of business to our attention:
As our Order’s handbook “The Guidelines for Council Meetings” states, “The word “motion” refers to the procedure of bringing items before your council." "Business may be presented to your council in two ways: 1. By a simple motion 2. By a resolution” It further explains that resolutions “are always written…” and “Resolutions are often long and the result of careful thought and planning.” Notice the Handbook does not say Resolutions are to be done haphazardly, nor out of the blue during a Council Meeting, but rather assumes it will be done with much diligence. Nor does the Handbook state this cannot be first brought up to the officers online or via email, but instead says “It is best to have the motion prepared in written form before the [Council] meeting.”
Therefore, in conformity with our Order’s by-laws, after careful thought and taking in consideration proper procedure, my Brothers, I formally, as Faith Director and Brother Knight of Council 6020 bring forward to your attention a Main (or Principal) motion to bring a particular subject in the form of a Resolution before the Council for consideration to be discussed openly and publicly during our next Council meeting which falls on the eve of the sixth year anniversary of Bishop Vann letter addressed to the Knights in our Diocese specifically saying: “I am writing to all my Brother Knights requesting your active support and leadership in the further development of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament in our Diocese and local Parishes.”
I have attached the said Resolution to this email in the form of a PDF. I call on our Worthy Grand Knight to incorporate this Resolution proposal into the next Council meeting for open discussion.
Brother Knight, Faith Director, and Field Agent,
Sir Knight Nicholas Bezzina,FIA 18915
“Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that which endureth unto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you. For him hath God, the Father, sealed.” (John 6:27)
Council Meeting Handbook