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St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
on the Importance of Eucharistic Adoration
"Oh, the delights that are experienced in one
hour of meditation in the presence of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament, and of Mary, His most
Holy Mother, are incomparably greater than
those found in whole evenings spent at
theaters, in brilliantly lit salons, in amusements
and conversations, all of them, things which
cannot satisfy our hearts.”

Letter to his Father.
Please remember St Gabriel came from a very affluent family. He had available to him all the comforts and amusements money could buy, 
 Comments from a Companion 
 "We also observed in him a tender devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He was truly enamored of Christ in the Eucharist. Frequently, he spoke to his companions of his sacramental Lord with an emotion and vivacity so intense that he aroused the enthusiasm of those who listened to him. To Christ in the tabernacle his thoughts instinctively turned, and all the impulses of his heart impelled him to go before the altar to pour out his affections. Many times, in the day and night, he would send his angel guardian to visit the Blessed Sacrament when his occupations would not permit him to do so in person. And sometimes he would tell his angel to go to the place where Christ was most lonely and forgotten, there to adore and keep vigil with Him.
When out for a walk, if we entered a church, his first thought was to look for the altar of the Blessed Sacrament, and then to kneel before it in silent adoration. He became all affected and moved when he spoke of the coldness with which so many receive the Holy Eucharist, and of the outrages, profanations and sacrileges committed against It by unbelievers and even by bad Christians. From these insults offered to Jesus he took occasion to admire His patience and mercy; and he would redouble his efforts to make reparation as far as he could.

Frequent spiritual communion was one of his favorite practices, and he recommended it earnestly to his classmates, saying: €In the hour of death we can say to Jesus: I have welcomed You, dear Lord, so often into my poor heart. Now You must welcome me to paradise with You, I have often seen him prostrate himself before the tabernacle when he thought no one was near, and pour out all his soul before the Sacramental Christ. At other times, he would become so rapt in adoration during his visits that we had to shake him in order to remind him that it was time to discharge the other duties of our student life.