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Resolution Regarding Bishop Vann's Letter
Our 2022-2023 Faith Director Brother Nick Bezzina has written a resolution, as is the right of any Knight of Columbus, that will be put to a vote in Council 6020.  The vote will be taken on April 20th during the Council 6020 Business Meeting.  That date provides substantial time for study, prayer, meditation and discussion by all members of Council 6020.
The resolution and these support pages below were provided to 6020 Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor, Trustees, and Financial Secretary on Monday February 20th, 2023, the feast of the Fatima Visionaries Sts Francisco and Jacinta and a few days after the 6th anniversary of Bishop Vann's Letter.   It was also provided to several 6020 Knights who for years have shouldered leadership responsibilities within the Council. These Council Officers/Leaders were made aware that 8 days later, on the feast of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, the resolution and these pages would be provided to all the Council 6020 Brothers.
The officer/leaders were asked to read, review, mediate on, and pray about the Bishop's Letter and the Resolution in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament.  In addition, they were encouraged to provide comments that could be included as a comment page on this web page.  Hopefully these comments would be provided by the February 27th full Council publication.
 These two dates allow ample time for prayer, meditation, and dialogue before the April 20th vote.
On this webpage will be individual links for each and every Brother Knight in Council 6020 that wants to have a say, either publicly or anonymously.  The author of anonymous comments will only be known to Grand Knight Steve Lovison and the author will not be disclosed unless Steve Lovison is given permission.
The first thing Grand Knight Steve Lovison asks you to do is print out the Bishop's letter and the original Resolution and take them to Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. 
Read them in His Holy Presence.  Meditate on them.  And ask Our Eucharistic Lord what Council 6020 as a whole should do.  Ask Him also what He wants your to do personally. How should you vote?  How do you think the Council should vote? What can and should you do personally should the resolution be passed?  What issues do you have?  Etc.  Then provide to Steve Lovison whatever comments you want made public in whatever way you want to provide them.  Steve will then add a link below to your comments, either with your name or anonymously.  You can provide comments as many times as you see fit.
 Thank you!  Vivat Jesus!
WHAT IS THE BISHOP ASKING?  The November Spiritual Extract Video visually explains that:  CLICK HERE 
This video does not replace the all-important task of reading the letter and resolution before the Blessed Sacrament  
 Bishop Vann's Letter   CLICK HERE
 Nick Bezzina Original Resolution     CLICK HERE
 March 27, 2023 Bishop Freyer Interview "Our Bishops' Mission to the Knights"   CLICK HERE
 Faith Director Nick Bezzina Comments   CLICK HERE
 Grand Knight Steve Lovison Comments   CLICK HERE
 Reasons Against the Resolution   CLICK HERE
 Reasons Against the Resolution - With Replies  CLICK HERE
 Anonymous Comments - With Replies  CLICK HERE
 If you have comments to add email Steve Lovison
Thoughts of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, 
an affluent young man who became a great saint
on whose feast this resolution page was made
Thought of Linda Serna, spouse of Council 6020
Brother Frank Serna (RIP) on what is in it for you.